Star Ratings

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Applying what you’ve learned about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, then pushing yourself to do some problem-solving and research, you are going to build a small app that allows a user to rate something with 1-5 stars! You’ve probably seen this feature on various sites before. While we’re building a feature that alone doesn’t mean much, the learning from this project could be really helpful in your personal project!


  • A set of empty stars, by default (or other shape!)
  • When the user hovers over a star, that star and all stars to the left of it are filled in
  • When the user clicks a star, that star and all stars to the left of it are filled in, even when the mouse leaves the star


  • You will need to have link to 2 different images - an icon of an empty and filled in star (FlatIcon is a great resource.)
  • Instead of using <img elements, you will probably want to use <div>s and insert the star icons as a background image in CSS.

Here is the star rating feature on Amazon:

Screenshot of countdown timer, ticking each second


You are not being provided with Iterations in order to push you to plan out how you will spend your time. You got this!

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