Intro to Repl
What is Files is an online platform where we can write and run our JavaScript code quickly. It’s a great place to learn fundamentals and use as a playground! Watch this video, or read each section below to learn a little about how we will use at camp this summer. Note: since the video was made, Repl made a small change to the “share/invite” button.
Creating a New File
To create a new repl file, click the blue “+ new repl” button in the top right corner.
Then, select JavaScript as your language. Name your file, then click “Create Repl”.
Run Your Code
Once you write some code and want to run it, click the green “run” button in the top center. You’ll see the output on the right side of the page.
Working off a Starter File
For some practice exercises, your instructors will give you a starter file. It will take a second to load. Then, when you start typing, it will re-load. This is because you don’t have access to edit the starter. So, Repl is creating a copy of that file to your account -that’s why it re-loads!
Sharing A File
To share your code and invite someone to edit or comment on it, click the light blue “share” button in the top right corner.
Then, copy the link that appears towards the bottom of that pop up. Paste the link in Slack. Anyone who clicks on that link will have access to edit that file.
You can share any file you create as well as any file that came from a starter from your instructors.