Intermediate CSS

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šŸŽÆ Learning Goals

  • Understand the difference between inline and block elements
  • Use margin and padding to achieve ideal breathing room around elements
  • Control the layout of a page using height, width, and an understanding of the box model

šŸ“— Technical Vocabulary

  • Block
  • Box Model
  • CSS Property
  • Inline
  • Margin
  • Padding

šŸ—‚ Warm Up

What is your favorite thing about CSS so far? Be ready to share out!

šŸŒŽ Block vs. Inline

In the last HTML lesson, we talked about the difference between inline and block elements. With CSS, we have the power to override an elements default state of inline or block by using the display property.

Hereā€™s an example:

button {
  display: block;

p {
  display: inline;

šŸ£ Check It Out: Block vs. Inline

In your breakout group, the person screen-sharing should remix this Glitch project. One by one, copy and paste the two CSS rules above into your CSS file in Glitch. What happens when you paste in the rule for the buttons? For the paragraphs?

In our next CSS lesson, weā€™ll go a step further with layout design. Understanding the difference between block and inline elements, and being able to change them, allows us to control the layout of a page a little more.

CSS Box Model

When you hover over elements in the browser when you are in inspect mode, you may have noticed that there are flashes of blue, green, orange, and sometimes yellow. Chrome didnā€™t just put different colors in there for fun; each color has a meaning.

Up until now, we havenā€™t used CSS to create space or ā€œbreathing roomā€ between elements. Letā€™s look at Michelle Obamaā€™s Twitter account for some examples:

Michelle Obama's Twitter Profile card

Each element is a rectangular box. CSS leverages the box model to control layout and design. An HTML element is made up of its content and the padding, border, and margins surrounding it. The image below helps us visualize each piece (and the colors match those in the Chrome Dev Tools!).

The CSS Box Model

Padding creates space between the content and the border. Margin creates space outside the border, between other elements. The image below shows these coming together, including the color-coding that the Chrome dev tools use:

Check It Out: Box Model

Go to your favorite site and open the Chrome Dev Tools. Click the inspect arrow, and hover over elements on the page. Where do you see margin and padding being used?

Not sure which favorite site to choose from? Codecademy has some great examples!


Padding creates space between the content and the border. Most elements donā€™t have any by default, so a lot of the time, our content can look squished. padding is a CSS property we can use to add what we call ā€œbreathing roomā€ between a piece of content and its border.

Thinking back to Twitter, the following CSS rule is on each of the 4 a elements on that ā€œTweets/Tweets & Replies/Media/Likesā€ section:

.r-1oqcu8e {
  padding-bottom: 15px;
  padding-left: 15px;
  padding-right: 15px;
  padding-top: 15px;

We can also see this by using the dev tools to inspect. The part highlighted in blue is the content, and the part highlighted in green is space created by the padding rules.

Padding used on Twitter card

There are several ways we can tell CSS that we want to add padding. In the rule above that Twitter used, they wrote out a declaration for each side of the element. They could have written this rule and had the exact same outcome:

.r-1oqcu8e {
  padding: 15px;

When you donā€™t specify which side of the element you want padding on, all four sides will get that amount of padding.

If you want different sides of the element to have different amounts of padding, you should use padding-right, padding-top, etc. Hereā€™s an example:

.r-1oqcu8e {
  padding-bottom: 10px;
  padding-left: 30px;
  padding-right: 30px;
  padding-top: 0px;

In the code snippet above, the element would have 10px of padding on the bottom and no padding on the top. Both sides - right and left - would have 30px of padding.

Try It: Padding

Remix this Glitch project. Read through the HTML and CSS provided to make sure you understand what you're starting with.

Work to re-create the image below using the HTML and CSS provided as a starter kit. The colors used were deeppink, darkviolet, and deepskyblue.


Similar to padding, margin is a CSS property that helps us control the spacing of elements. The difference between the two is, margin creates space outside the border, between other elements, whereas padding is within the border. Twitter uses margin to create some space around the content and the edges of the screen (notice the orange parts):

Margin used around Twitter card

Margin used around Twitter card

Writing declarations with the margin property is very similar to what we know about padding. Here is the CSS that was written for the margin at the bottom of a Twitter profile:

.css-1dbjc4n {
  margin-top: 0px;
  margin-right: 0px;
  margin-bottom: 15px;

We can also write one declaration for all fours sides:

.class-name {
  margin: 10px;

Try It: Margin

Remix this Glitch project. Read through the HTML and CSS provided to make sure you understand what you're starting with.

Work to re-create the image below using the HTML and CSS provided as a starter kit. You'll need both margin and padding!

Default Browser Behavior

One thing to note - you may have noticed that the browser provides some ā€œbuilt-inā€ margin and padding, just like it makes out h1 elements larger and bolder than content in a p element. The browser does this to be helpful to developers who arenā€™t going to use any CSS (think Craigslist), but it can become bothersome for developers like us, who really want to customize the look and feel of our pages. So, at the top of every CSS file we write from here on out, we should include the following rule:

* {
  margin: 0;
  padding: 0;
  box-sizing: border-box;

The * means: apply this rule to ALL elements. box-sizing: border-box is a little complicated; it means that if borders are used, they will be counted as the content. If you are doing very specific work with margins, where it would be obvious if you were off by 1 tiny pixel, this would be very important.

Sizing Images

Many times, the photos we bring in will not be the exact size we want it to be for our site. We can use the width and height properties to handle this.

We will almost always want to preserve the ratio of the image, so we should give either width or height, but not both. Once we set the width or height, the other dimension will be determined by the ratio of the original image.

If you want to give both width and height for some reason, you may need to apply the object-fit property. This might come in handy if you want to display a row of photos of the same height and width, but which all started off in various sizes.

Look at the two images of Dr. Katie Bouman below, then look at the code that was used to style them:

Two photos, the one on the left has the correct ratio, the one on the right is squished

<img class="correct-ratio" src="./assets/dr-katie-bouman" alt="Dr. Katie Bouman">
<img class="squished" src="./assets/dr-katie-bouman" alt="Dr. Katie Bouman">
img {
  height: 300px;
  width: 250px;

.correct-ratio {
  object-fit: cover;

The object-fit property on the .correct-ratio class fixed the distorted ratio for us. We did lose some of the photo (on the sides), but with most things, we want to maintain the original ratio.

Try It: Sizing Images

Remix this Glitch project. Find 3 photos from Pexels and create image tags for each of them in the new Glitch project. Get a mix of images that are vertical and horizontal.

Style the photos so they appear to be the same size, and make sure they aren't squished!

Putting it All Together

In this final section, youā€™ll use your new knowledge about the box model and image sizing to start re-creating a Twitter profile card!


Card is a word that is commonly used in front-end development. When we refer to a card, we usually mean a div or another similar element that is used to contain information. The profile information on Twitter could be called a card.

We are going to begin recreating a Twitter profile card. There are many ways this can be achieved - you may see that you and your partner's outcome looks the same, but code looks very different! That's ok! As you get more practice, you will find which methods you prefer.

Create a new Glitch project. Remember, a lot of code is provided in the initial HTML file, so you may want to first delete what you don't need. Then, work towards replicating the image below. Feel free to use any images and text you'd like!

Start of a Twitter profile card

Hint: You can also use percentages as units for the width of an image.

Click here for a Medium Challenge šŸŒ¶šŸŒ¶

Add a blue checkmark next to the user's name. You can find a lot of icons at Flat Icon. Make sure the icon is about the correct size, and right next to the name. You can reference Michelle Obama's profile at the top of this lesson for what this should look like. Follow the same workflow to include an icon just as you would an image (right click and copy image address).

Click here for a Spicy Challenge šŸŒ¶šŸŒ¶šŸŒ¶

Add another image to your Twitter profile. This image should be round, and part of it should lay over the background image. You can reference Michelle Obama's profile at the top of this lesson for what this should look like.


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