Night Hacks
Week 1
Monday Not HW
Watch: Intro to Functions
Watch this __ minute this video to get an introduction to Swift functions. Share your answers to the questions at the end of the video in the Slack thread. We will review this content as a group tomorrow!
Practice: Intro to Swift, Conditionals
Complete the challenges in the Intro to Swift, Conditionals Practice Exercise. Share the "invite" link in the Slack thread.
Tuesday Not HW
Watch: Dictionaries
Watch this __ minute this video to learn about Swift Dictionaries. Share your answers to the questions at the end of the video in the Slack thread. We will review this content as a group tomorrow!
Practice: Dictionaries
Complete the challenges in the Dictionaries Practice Exercise. Share the "invite" link in the Slack thread. If you're not feeling confident about these yet - that's ok! We will review them as a group tomorrow.
Wednesday Not HW
Build: Mini Project 1
Spend 30-45 minutes working on Mini Project 1! Share the "invite others" link in the Slack thread. Keep in mind, you'll have another 30+ minutes to work on it tomorrow.
App Design Journal: Brainstorm
Complete the Brainstorm section of your App Design Journal.
Thursday Not HW
Build: Mini Project 2
Spend 45-60 minutes working on Mini Project 2! Share the "invite others" link in the Slack thread. Keep in mind, you'll have another 30+ minutes to work on it tomorrow.
App Design Journal: Plan
Complete the Plan: UI/UX section of your App Design Journal. Be ready to share out when we meet tomorrow!
Friday Not HW
App Design Journal: Prototype
Complete the Prototype section of your App Design Journal. Be ready to share out when we meet on Monday!
Week 2
Monday Not HW
Build: ToDo List
Work to re-build the ToDo List project on your own or with a partner!
Tuesday Not HW
Pair: StoryBoard
With your partner, build out the StoryBoard for your project. Push your changes to GitHub, and share the GitHub Project URL with your project manager.
Wednesday Not HW
Build: Final Project
Work on the next pieces of your project, as outlined by your project plan and communication with your project manager. Send your project manager an update on your progress/status in the project channel when you are done for the evening.
Thursday Not HW
Build: Final Project
Work on the next pieces of your project, as outlined by your project plan and communication with your project manager. Send your project manager an update on your progress/status in the project channel when you are done for the evening.