Xcode Projects

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🎯 Learning Goals

  • Navigate the Xcode Project application

πŸ“— Technical Vocabulary

  • StoryBoard
  • Navigation Pane
  • Utilities Pane
  • Debug Area

🌎 Xcode Projects

Up until now, we’ve mainly worked in repl.it, which is a great place to run code, but not usable to build real iOS apps. Xcode Projects is a place where we can! A lot more than writing code goes into building an iOS app, but we can do it all in Xcode. It is a big challenge that utilizes a lot of different tools; so we will take it one step at a time. Here’s a map of the main features in Xcode.

Either watch the video below or watch your instructor walk through how to navigate an Xcode Project.

Before watching it, make sure you open up an Xcode Project so you can follow along.

🐣 Scavenger Hunt

Follow the steps below to practice navigating Xcode Projects!

  • Create a new Single View iOS App
  • Navigate to the Main StoryBoard
  • View your StoryBoard on an iPhone 8
  • Run the simulator on an iPhone 8
  • Collapse the Navigation Pane
  • Expand the Console/Debug area
  • Expand the Navigation Pane
  • Navigate to the ViewController.swift file
  • On line 15 of that file, remove β€œ// Do any additional setup after loading the view.” and replace it with: print("This is a print statement - testing testing!")
  • Re-run the simulator
  • Look for the print statement in the Console/Debug area
  • Collapse the Utilities Pane
  • Collapse the Navigation Pane
  • Expand the Utilities Pane
  • Expand the Navigation Pane
  • Navigate to the Main StoryBoard
  • Change the orientation of the iPhone 8 on the StoryBoard
  • View your StoryBoard on an iPhone 11 Pro

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